Weingarten Reid McNally WRegg WRcapitol Communication. Teamwork. Results.
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Innovative Strategies. Depth Of Experience. Dedication To Client Services...Reid, McNally, & Savage.

Addressing Client Goals Through A Potent Blend Of Policy, Budget, Media Expertise, Coalition Building, & Grassroots Strategies.

Our Team Specializes In Direct Lobbying, Grassroots Advocacy, Coalition Building, Political Action, & Public and Media Relations

Dependably Providing Our Clients A Consistent Synergy - Communication. Teamwork. Results.


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      It takes fresh thinking and lots of hard work to make

   your voice heard in today's complex political landscape.

    Our expertise will help you reach decision makers and

      the people and organizations they listen to through:


                          Direct Lobbying

                     Grassroots Advocacy

                        Coalition Building

                          Political Action

                Public and Media Relations


        Reid, McNally, & Savage works side by side with

           our clients to develop innovative strategies that

          maximize their strengths, communicate the right

            messages to the right people, and get results.

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